A new video piece with Emilio Gordoa, Eric Bauer and myself made in Güterbahnhof Pankow last December. First part is the duo (Bauer / Khorkhordina) site-specifically circling around circular breathing on a plastic Abflussrohr-Didgeridoo and spinning the double wind wand bullroarer. Second part is a piece between the light and darkness with Emilio (percussion), Eric (cracklebox, dwwb) and Carina (trumpet).
Eric Bauer – cracklebox, double wind wand bullroarer
Emilio Gordoa – percussion
Carina Khorkhordina – trumpet, Abflussrohr-Didgeridoo
Pankow, Berlin
December 2020
sound recorded by Axel Dörner
filmed and edited by Carina Khorkhordina